Who We Are

The Creative Nova Scotia Leadership Council is an advisory body to the Minister of Communities, Culture and Heritage and works to elevate the artistic and cultural vibrancy of the province for all Nova Scotians. The Council was established in December 2011 through the Creative Nova Scotia Leadership Council Act.



Nova Scotia is where creativity and cultural expression thrive as the fourth pillar of sustainability.


Provide leadership to the creative community and counsel to the Nova Scotia government on the development of policy that elevates culture and creative expressions within the provincial government and the province.


Creativity, Excellence, Growth and Development, Inclusion, Partnership and Collaboration, Transparency, Fairness.


The fifteen-member council is comprised of people who are actively engaged within Nova Scotia’s cultural community and live throughout the province. Thirteen members are nominated and serve three-year terms; two members are appointed from within the government; and one additional, non-voting member is appointment by and represents Arts Nova Scotia. Meet the Council.


NOTE: All funding programs (grants and awards) are funded by the Department of Communities, Culture and Heritage. The Council is not involved in the decision-making process for the Department’s programs. While the Council can make recommendations to the Minister regarding the allocation of funds to each program, specific funding decisions are made via peer selection committees or assessment panels.