Call for New Members


Elevating the arts and culture through leadership and partnership.

The Creative Nova Scotia Leadership Council

Needs YOU…

The arts and culture sector is a vital part of Nova Scotia and cultural expression contributes to the uniqueness of our many communities and the entire province. The Creative Nova Scotia Leadership Council (CNSLC) is a partnership between the cultural sector and the government of Nova Scotia designed to foster better collaboration and decision-making.

The Council is made up of 16 members who represent the diverse arts and culture industry throughout Nova Scotia. This year, we are seeking four (4) new council members to join our table of cultural and creative industry leaders representing the Province’s ethnic, cultural, and regional diversity.

Your voice, perspective, lived experience and expertise are needed. If you are a Nova Scotian interested to grow and strengthen the culture sector, and to better understand our Nova Scotian identity, you are urged to apply to join this dedicated and passionate group.

What is the CNSLC all about:

The Creative Nova Scotia Leadership Council was created to play a key role in promoting arts and culture and enabling the success of creative industries in the province. As such, the council:

  • serves as a consultative body to the Nova Scotia government on matters of cultural policy and cultural sector development;
  • aims to enhance cultural activity through research and consultation, investment, promotion, and preservation; advises and makes recommendations to the Minister of Communities, Culture and Heritage on matters important to Nova Scotia’s creative sector.

The perspectives of those involved daily in arts and culture activities are invaluable to our province. With Council’s insight, government can develop policies that benefit artists and grow the creative economy.

The details:

  • members are volunteers and as such there is no honorarium
  • the Council reimburses its volunteer members for out-of-pocket travel expenses
  • the CNSLC meets both in-person and virtually and holds, on average, 4-6 meetings from September to June. Virtual meetings are typically 2 hours while in-person meetings are scheduled for half-full days
  • our sessions conclude with an AGM in June
  • members are expected to take an active part in the work the various Council committees that meet outside of the full Council meetings
  • monthly time commitment is 3-5 hours in addition to the regular meetings
  • terms are 3-years with a possible re-appointment for a second term

How are members selected:

  • the selection process is guided by the Nominations Committee
  • the Nominations Committee recommends successful candidates who:
    • best demonstrate a range of experience and a balanced perspective;
    • have knowledge and expertise from the arts, the heritage sector, cultural industries and cultural administration;
    • are representative of the Province’s ethnic, cultural and regional diversity;
    • can replace some of the membership criteria that are left vacant by the members whose terms have ended.

The activities of Council are guided under the authority of the Creative Nova Scotia Leadership Council Act

For more information, visit the CNSLCs website at                                                                                                  

Please complete an application form and send it back along with your CV and covering letter to:

Creative Nova Scotia Leadership Council
Attention: Nominating Committee
PO Box 456 Halifax, NS B3J 2R5
Phone: (902) 718-7322
Web Site:

Applications are closed.